Saturday, May 18, 2013

Update on Colin

Colin is the happiest little long as he is not tired...then he is cranky cranky.

He loves to smile and has started to really chuckle, which is cute to hear. He nurses every 2 hours or so during the day...and sometimes at night...some nights he will sleep for 5-6 hours but those nights are rare. He seems to have reflux pretty bad but it doesn't really upset him. I do think sometimes that's what wakes him up in the middle of the night...and he is already inclined in a swing so I'm sort of at a loss as to what to do. More and more lately he's been spitting up threw his nose, the poor guy. But he doesn't really cry about it, more just seems annoyed. Something to discuss with the doctor in a month.
Colin is starting to grab for toys and loves his mobile. He likes to be held facing forward in he bjorn. Car rides are no longer peaceful, he screams just like the girls did. Hopefully in a month or so when he can hold a toy better he will stop screaming so much.
He had his first taste of food. While I was on the phone with the orthopedist for Caroline he was crying. Caroline took her banana and put it in his mouth. He stopped crying. She was so pleased with herself. Thankfully he didn't choke as she had the entire banana in her hand, and not a little piece. I have since talked to her about teeth and that he can't have any more food for a while.

1 comment:

Ania said...

He's getting so big!!!