Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Need to Catch Up...

Wow...its been a while!
Tessa has changed a lot in the last few weeks. She can say quite a few words now, most only Tim or I can understand. Here's a few: dada, mama, nou (for lou), nana, ma (max, her buddy), did (sid the science kid), cacca (cookie), apap (help....this one she says ALL the time), ball, no no. And many more I can't think of at the moment.

Tessa really likes to color, scanned images to come soon hopefully. She LOVES the PBS show "Sid the Science Kid"...she walks around saying "Did, did, did", hoping we'll put the TV on for her. She has a new playroom in the basement full of lots of cool Christmas presents and has a great time playing down there. She really likes to give her animals, dolls, etc water/food or her books. Sharing with them is fun, sharing with another child is not high on her list at the moment.

A funny story: After being stuck in the house sick for far too many days and being SO bored, I decided to show Tessa some Pop-Up books that I had taken from Nana's house. I know she is too young for them, and requires constant attention, but I was desperate. Well she LOVES them. One of them is a Muppets book. On one of the pages Miss Piggy is on a swing, and you can pull a tab and Kermit the Frog jumps up and pushes her. Tessa thought this was the greatest thing in the world. And then proceeded to try and climb into the book so she too could go on the swing. It was hilarious. She couldn't understand why she couldn't have a turn. And went back to that book, and that page repeatedly to try and swing... (Normally I would have taken her out back and put her on the swing there, but it was pouring rain.)

Although neither of us was feeling great today we went to the mall and used a coupon to get some pictures taken....here's one of them:

1 comment:

Nana said...

What a little cutie!