Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rough times at Nursery School Equal

Tessa's behavior at school has become an increasing problem...I'm not sure if it has been going on all year, and I'm just finding out now. But regardless, she needs to start behaving or else the future 18 years or so of her life are going to be rough.

How is it that my 2 year old already knows she doesn't want me talking to her teacher, and that progress reports are bad things. Ugh. I didn't know we'd be dealing with this already, but hopefully if we get some of her behavior under control now it will pay off later??? (Or at least that is what I keep telling myself)

And for those that wonder, no she is not biting, or kicking, nope, my high spirited/energy child just cant reign it in when she is told to. Not altogether terrible at 2, but still embarrassing none the less when she is getting time-out as a result. Fun times at the O'Neil house. Maybe if C would sleep better this wouldn't seem so terrible...

1 comment:

Nana said...

You're doing just what a good parent would do.