Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Schedule (Finally)

At almost 6.5 months Caroline may possibly, finally, be getting on a schedule. Caroline has been absolutely unpredictable since birth. Just because she does something one day, does not mean she will do it the next, if anything it means quite the opposite. Obviously this has become frustrating...but clearly I have no control over what she will and will not do. But the past 3 days (yeah, I know its not that long), she has done the same thing everyday.

Her day goes something like this: Take a nap around 9:00. Most days this will have to be in the car, as I usually take Tessa somewhere in the morning, either to play or run errands. Awake by 10:00. And then, if we are out she will fall asleep on the way home, usually around 12:00. Today I was able to keep her awake, at home, til 12:40, she didnt like it. This is a longer nap, but she wakes up after 40 minutes, I run in there and feed her quick, and she'll go back to sleep for another hour to 90 minutes. Up around when Tessa gets up from her nap. And then another quick nap around 4:30.

The best part about this is that Caroline is finally going to sleep by herself, without insane amounts of screaming. I've been letting her cry-it-out for what seems like forever, off and on since she was 2 months old. She never seemed to get the hang of it, so I'd resort to feeding her, taking her in the car, whatever I had to do to get her to sleep. (We let Tessa cry around 4 months, and it took 3-4 days and it was EASY compared to Caroline.)

I'm really hoping Caroline can keep this up...but more than likely she'll change it up on me again tomorrow. Oh, and of course, we're all hoping she'll start sleeping through the night sometime soon (Tessa didnt until 7.5 months).

On the food front, Caroline is getting spoon-fed baby food at breakfast and dinner. She likes almost all fruits, I haven't bothered with the vegetables because they smell nasty. We never game them to Tessa either, and I think she's doing fine as far as her diet is concerned. Caroline also LOVES cheerios, so much so that she lunges for the box if I happen to pass it while holding her. And she likes Mum Mums, rice husks.

Anyway, we're hoping to list our house on Thursday (yup thats 1.5 days from now), so I've got lots to do tonight.

Pictures soon.

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