Saturday, May 18, 2013

The broken leg

3 weeks ago Caroline jumped off the couch and landed the wrong way. She screamed. I was just getting home so I held her and talked to her for a while...she was sweaty and really upset. Very unlike her. After I calmed her down I had her stand on the floor so I could get Colin out of his carseat to feed him. Her leg collapsed. She fell on the ground screaming again. She did it a few more times so we called the after hours number for the pediatrician. They said to take her to the ER. At the ER they took X-rays but couldn't see a fracture. They said if she was still not walking the next day to follow up with her pediatrician. So the next day, Friday. I called the pediatrician when she still couldn't walk. A quick visit there and they said to wait the weekend. Monday she still wasn't walking so I called an orthopedist. After a quick visit there they said she may have injured her growth plate she should start walking in 2-3 weeks. Two weeks and two days after she fell she started walking...but with a limp. She limped for 5 days so I took her back to the orthopedist. He said...oh she must have had a hairline fracture that the X-rays didn't catch. She will likely limp for a few more weeks while the bone finishes healing and could fatigue easily for a few months. I made him repeat the "few months". Lets hope it's not really that long.
I think all in all I'm glad she was never casted because that would have just been a bigger pain. I think they would have and maybe should have casted her but she couldn't tell us where it hurt exactly (she pointed to her thigh) and had full range of motion. Oh and maybe the fact that we was the happiest kid ever...
She crawled for 2 weeks...not ideal when you are used to playgrounds and play dates. But boy was it nice to know she couldn't run away!!
Hopefully in a few weeks this will all be a thing of the past.

1 comment:

Ania said...

Poor Caroline! Hopefully she heals quickly.